Friedland and Relyea Chapter 2 Reading Questions

Chapter 2 Environmental Systems Friedland Relyea Environmental Science for AP®, second edition © 2015

Chapter 2 Environmental Systems Friedland Relyea Environmental Scientific discipline for AP®, second edition © 2015 W. H. Freeman and Visitor/BFW AP® is a trademark registered and/or endemic by the College Lath®, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Module 4 Systems and Matter After reading this module you should be able to

Module 4 Systems and Affair After reading this module yous should exist able to • describe how matter comprises atoms and molecules that move among dissimilar systems. • explain why h2o is an important component of nigh ecology systems. • discuss how matter is conserved in chemic and biological systems.

Matter comprises atoms and molecules that move among different systems • Matter Anything that

Matter comprises atoms and molecules that motion among dissimilar systems • Matter Anything that occupies infinite and has mass. • Mass A measurement of the amount of matter an object contains.

Atoms and Molecules • Atom The smallest particle that can contain the chemical properties

Atoms and Molecules • Atom The smallest particle that can contain the chemic properties of an element. • Element A substance composed of atoms that cannot be broken down into smaller, simpler components. Structure of the atom. An cantlet is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Neutrons and positively charged protons make up the nucleus. Negatively charged electrons environs the nucleus.

Atoms and Molecules • Periodic table A chart of all chemical elements currently known,

Atoms and Molecules • Periodic table A nautical chart of all chemical elements currently known, organized by their backdrop. • Molecule A particle that contains more than one atom. • Compound A molecule containing more one element. • Atomic number The number of protons in the nucleus of a particular element. • Mass number A measurement of the total number of protons and neutrons in an chemical element. • Isotopes Atoms of the same element with unlike numbers of neutrons.

Radioactivity • Radioactive decay The spontaneous release of material from the nucleus of radioactive

Radioactivity • Radioactive decay The spontaneous release of material from the nucleus of radioactive isotopes. • One-half-life The time it takes for half of an original radioactive parent cantlet to decay. • Covalent bond The bail formed when elements share electrons.

Chemical Bonds There are three types of chemical bonds: • covalent bonds • ionic

Chemical Bonds In that location are three types of chemical bonds: • covalent bonds • ionic bonds • hydrogen bonds

Covalent Bonds • Covalent bond The bond formed when elements share electrons. Covalent bonds.

Covalent Bonds • Covalent bond The bond formed when elements share electrons. Covalent bonds. Molecules such as methane (CH iv ) are associations of atoms held together by covalent bonds. Every bit a result of the four hydrogen atoms sharing electrons with a carbon atom, each atom has a consummate set of electrons in its outer shell —two for the hydrogen atoms and eight for the carbon atom.

Ionic Bonds • Ionic bond A chemical bond between two ions of opposite charges.

Ionic Bonds • Ionic bond A chemical bond between 2 ions of opposite charges. Ionic bonds. To form an ionic bond, the sodium atom loses an electron and the chlorine cantlet gains one. As a outcome, the sodium atom becomes a positively charged ion (Na+) and the chlorine atom becomes a negatively charged ion (Cl−, known as chloride). The attraction between ions of opposite charges —an ionic bail—forms sodium chloride (Na. Cl), or table salt.

Hydrogen Bonds • Hydrogen bond A weak chemical bond that forms when hydrogen atoms

Hydrogen Bonds • Hydrogen bail A weak chemical bond that forms when hydrogen atoms that are covalently bonded to one atom are attracted to another atom on some other molecule. • Polar molecule A molecule in which one side is more than positive and the other side is more negative.

Hydrogen Bonds The polarity of the water molecule. (a) Water (H 2 O) consists

Hydrogen Bonds The polarity of the water molecule. (a) Water (H 2 O) consists of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen cantlet. Water is a polar molecule because its shared electrons spend more time almost the oxygen cantlet than nigh the hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen atoms thus take a slightly positive charge, and the oxygen atom has a slightly negative charge. (b) The slightly positive hydrogen atoms are attracted to the slightly negative oxygen atom of another water molecule. The result is a hydrogen bail between the two molecules.

Water is a vital component of most environmental systems Water has many significant properties.

Water is a vital component of about environmental systems Water has many pregnant properties.

Properties of Water • Surface tension A property of water that results from the

Backdrop of H2o • Surface tension A belongings of water that results from the cohesion of water molecules at the surface of a body of water and that creates a sort of skin on the water's surface. • Capillary action A belongings of water that occurs when adhesion of water molecules to a surface is stronger than cohesion between the molecules. • At Globe's surface, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius and freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. • Many substances deliquesce well in water considering their polar molecules bond easily with other polar molecules.

Acids, Bases, and p. H • Acid A substance that contributes hydrogen ions to

Acids, Bases, and p. H • Acrid A substance that contributes hydrogen ions to a solution. • Base of operations A substance that contributes hydroxide ions to a solution. • p. H The number that indicates the relative forcefulness of acids and bases in a substance.

Acids, Bases, and p. H The p. H scale shows how acidic or how

Acids, Bases, and p. H The p. H scale shows how acidic or how basic a solution is. • The p. H scale ranges from 0 -14. • A p. H value of vii is neutral. • A p. H value above 7 is bones. • A p. H value below 7 is acidic.

Environmental systems contain both chemical and biological reactions • Chemical reaction A reaction that

Ecology systems contain both chemic and biological reactions • Chemical reaction A reaction that occurs when atoms split from molecules or recombine with other molecules. • Law of conservation of matter A police of nature stating that matter cannot be created or destroyed; it tin only change form.

Biological Molecules and Cells • Inorganic compound A compound that does not contain the

Biological Molecules and Cells • Inorganic compound A compound that does not contain the element carbon or contains carbon bound to elements other than hydrogen. Examples: NH 3, Na. Cl, H 2 O, CO 2 • Organic compound A compound that contains carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds. Examples: C 6 H 12 O six, CH 4

Biological Molecules and Cells • Carbohydrate A compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Biological Molecules and Cells • Carbohydrate A compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. • Protein A critical component of living organisms fabricated upwards of a long chain of nitrogen-containing organic molecules known as amino acids. • Nucleic acid Organic compounds plant in all living cells. • DNA (deoxyribonucleic acrid) A nucleic acrid, the genetic fabric that contains the code for reproducing the components of the next generation, and which organisms pass on to their offspring. • RNA (ribonucleic acid) A nucleic acrid that translates the code stored in Deoxyribonucleic acid, which makes possible the synthesis of proteins. • Lipid A smaller organic biological molecule that does not mix with h2o.

Biological Molecules and Cells • Cell A highly organized living entity that consists of

Biological Molecules and Cells • Prison cell A highly organized living entity that consists of the 4 types of macromolecules and other substances in a watery solution, surrounded by a membrane • Some organisms are single cell, for example about bacteria. • Other organisms, for example, brine shrimp, are multicellular.

Module 5 Energy, Flows, and Feedbacks After reading this module you should be able

Module 5 Energy, Flows, and Feedbacks After reading this module you should exist able to • distinguish among various forms of energy and understand how they are measured. • discuss the showtime and second laws of thermodynamics and explain how they influence environmental systems. • explain how scientists go on rails of energy and affair inputs, outputs, and changes to environmental systems.

Energy is a fundamental component of environmental systems • Energy The ability to do

Free energy is a fundamental component of ecology systems • Energy The power to practice work or transfer heat. • Joule The corporeality of energy used when a 1 watt electrical device is turned on for ane second. • Power The charge per unit at which work is done.

Energy Conversions • energy = power × time • power = energy ÷ time

Energy Conversions • free energy = power × time • ability = energy ÷ time

Forms of Energy • Electromagnetic radiation A form of energy emitted by the Sun

Forms of Energy • Electromagnetic radiation A form of energy emitted by the Sun that includes, but is not limited to, visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared energy. • Photon A massless packet of free energy that carries electromagnetic radiation at the speed of light. • Potential free energy Stored energy that has non been released. • Chemical energy Potential energy stored in chemical bonds. • Kinetic free energy The energy of motion. • Temperature The measure out of the average kinetic free energy of a substance.

The laws of thermodynamics describe how energy behaves The laws of thermodynamics are among

The laws of thermodynamics depict how energy behaves The laws of thermodynamics are amidst the nigh significant principles in all of science.

First Law of Thermodynamics • First law of thermodynamics A physical law which states

First Law of Thermodynamics • First police force of thermodynamics A concrete law which states that energy tin neither be created nor destroyed simply can change from one class to some other. Conservation of free energy within a system. In a car, the potential energy of gasoline is converted into other forms of free energy. Some of that energy leaves the system, only all of information technology is conserved.

Second Law of Thermodynamics • Second law of thermodynamics The physical law stating that

Second Police force of Thermodynamics • 2d law of thermodynamics The physical law stating that when energy is transformed, the quantity of free energy remains the same, but its ability to do piece of work diminishes. The 2nd law of thermodynamics. Converting coal into the light of an incandescent seedling is only i. 6 pct efficient considering energy is lost to heat in the transformation.

Second Law of Thermodynamics • Energy efficiency The ratio of the amount of energy

Second Constabulary of Thermodynamics • Energy efficiency The ratio of the corporeality of energy expended in the grade you want to the full amount of energy that is introduced into the system. • Energy quality The ease with which an energy source can exist used for work. • Entropy Randomness in a system. • Randomness is always increasing in a system, unless new energy from outside the system is added to create society. This should exist indented ane more level in from the definitions.

Matter and energy flow in the environment Studying systems allows scientists to think about

Thing and energy flow in the environment Studying systems allows scientists to recall well-nigh how energy and matter flow in in the environment.

System Dynamics • Open system A system in which exchanges of matter or energy

System Dynamics • Open organization A system in which exchanges of matter or free energy occur across system boundaries. • Closed system A system in which thing and free energy exchanges do non occur across boundaries. • Input An addition to a organization. • Output A loss from a system. • Systems assay An analysis to decide inputs, outputs, and changes in a organization under diverse weather. • Steady state A state in which inputs equal outputs, so that the organization is non irresolute over time.

System Dynamics Open and closed systems. (a) Earth is an open system with respect

System Dynamics Open and closed systems. (a) Globe is an open up system with respect to energy. Solar radiation enters the Globe system, and energy leaves it in the form of estrus and reflected calorie-free. (b) Earth is essentially a closed arrangement with respect to affair because very fiddling thing enters or leaves World's system. The white arrows signal the cycling of free energy and matter.

System Dynamics A system in steady state. In this leaky bucket, inputs equal outputs.

Organisation Dynamics A system in steady state. In this leaky bucket, inputs equal outputs. As a result, there is no change in the total amount of water in the bucket; the system is in steady state.

System Dynamics • Feedbacks are found throughout the environment. • Negative feedback loop A

Organisation Dynamics • Feedbacks are plant throughout the environment. • Negative feedback loop A feedback loop in which a system responds to a change by returning to its original state, or by decreasing the rate at which the change is occurring. • Positive feedback loop A feedback loop in which change in a system is amplified.

System Dynamics Negative and positive feedback loops. (a) A negative feedback loop occurs at

Arrangement Dynamics Negative and positive feedback loops. (a) A negative feedback loop occurs at Mono Lake: A drib in water level reduces the lake surface expanse and evaporation decreases. The decrease in evaporation causes the lake level to rise again. (b) Population growth is an example of positive feedback. As members of a species reproduce, they create more offspring that will be able to reproduce in plow, creating a bicycle that increases the population size. The greenish arrow indicates the starting point of each feedback loop.


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